Academic & Student Affairs Handbook

Academics Affairs Division

2.18 Academic Feedback

(Last Modified April 6, 2011)   Report a broken link


Institutional Chief Academic Officers will encourage faculty to clarify for students, at the beginning of each course, the basis on which grades will be determined and to provide timely academic feedback as the course progresses. This encouragement should include the following:

  1. A statement in the syllabus stating whether the professor intends to have a portion of the cumulative class grade reported to the student prior to the midpoint of the total grading period and reference to how that portion of the grade is determined.
  2. Prior to midpoint of the total grading period, all assigned and “turned in” graded class assignments and examinations should be graded and available to the student.
  3. The instructor and student should make every effort to be available 正版bbin平台下载 instructor’s office hours for discussion of the student’s academic standing prior to the midpoint of the total grading period (particularly for classes that use subjective grading).

Each individual Chief Academic Officer should clarify his/her position on these points; discuss them with the faculty of his/her institution; establish policy or guidelines based upon faculty input; and, when appropriate, publish the campus response to these points in campus literature.

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