Business Procedures Manual

Fiscal Affairs Division

2.3 Function and Sub-Function (PeopleSoft Financials - Program Codes)

(Last Modified on October 27, 2016)

(PeopleSoft Financials - Program)

The use of the function and sub-function codes is required when recording an expenditure in all fund groups, and also is required when recording a revenue in the Auxiliary Enterprises Fund Group. Function and sub-function codes are standardized, and institutions may utilize only the function and sub-function codes that are defined in this section. Definitions for the function and sub-function codes begin with Section 2.3.1.

2.3.1 Function and Sub-Function Codes for All Fund Groups except Auxiliary Enterprises

(Last Modified on December 18, 2019)


This function code shall include expenditures for all activities for instructional programs, including credit and noncredit courses; academic, vocational, and technical instruction; remedial and tutorial instruction; and regular, special and extension sessions. Expenditures for departmental research and public services that are not separately budgeted should also be included in this classification. This category includes expenditures for academic instruction when the primary assignment is, for example, administration - academic deans. Expenditures for department chairpersons and administrators for whom instruction is an important role are also included.

The sub-function codes are as follows:

Code Description
11100 General Academic Instruction
This sub-function includes expenses for formally organized and/or separately budgeted instructional activities that are carried out 正版bbin平台下载 the academic year and offered for credit as part of a formal post-secondary education degree or certificate program.
11110 Instruction (Cost Sharing)
This sub-function was established to track and report cost sharing to various federal agencies and to be able to identify those expenses when preparing the Facilities and Administrative rate proposal.
11111 Summer School Instruction – (R1’s Only)
11114 Instruction Over Salary Cap
11140 Instruction-Departmental Administration – (R1’s Only)
11150 General Academic Instruction – Indirect (R1’s Only)
11200 Vocational/Technical Instruction
This sub-function includes expenses for formally organized and/or separately budgeted vocational/technical instructional activities that are carried out 正版bbin平台下载 the academic year and offered for credit as part of a formal postsecondary education degree or certificate program. This is usually associated with IPEDS instructional program categories.
11300 Community Education
This sub-function includes expenses for formally organized and/or separately budgeted instructional activities that do not generally result in credit toward any formal postsecondary degree or certificate.
11320 Cost Sharing – Community Education – (R1’s Only)
11400 Preparatory/Remedial Instruction
This sub-function includes expenses for formally organized and/or separately budgeted instructional activities that give students the basic knowledge and skills required by the institution before they can undertake formal academic course work leading to a post secondary degree or certificate.
11600 Department Research Not Separately Budgeted – (R1’s Only)
11700 Teaching/Supervising in Clinic – (R1’s Only)
11900 Instructional Information Technology – (R1’s Only)


This function code shall include all expenditures for activities specifically organized to produce research outcomes. The research category includes all expenses for activities specifically organized to produce research, whether commissioned by an agency external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution.? Subject to these conditions, the category includes expenses for individual and/or project research as well as that of institutes and research centers. ?

This category does not include all sponsored programs, nor is it necessarily limited to sponsored research, since internally supported research programs, if separately budgeted, would be included in this category.? Expenses for departmental research that are separately budgeted are included in this category.? However, the research category does not include expenses for departmental research that are not separately budgeted.? Such expenses are included in the instructional category.

The sub-function codes are as follows:

Code Description
12100 Individual or Project Research
This sub-function includes expenses for research activities that are managed within academic departments.
12110 Research (Cost Sharing)
This sub-function is used to track and report cost sharing to various federal agencies and to be able to identify those expenses when preparing the Facilities and Administrative rate proposal.
12114 Research Over Salary Cap
12115 Indirect Research – Individual or Project Research – (R1 & R2 Only)
12120 Cost Sharing – Individual or Project Research – (R1 & R2 Only)
12200 Institutes and Research Centers
This sub-function includes expenses for research activities that are part of a formal research organization created to manage a number of research efforts.
12210 Indirect Research – Inst & Research Centers – (R1 & R2 Only)
12211 Indirect Research – General & Admin Expenses – (R1 & R2 Only)
12212 Indirect Research – Start-Up – (R1 & R2 Only)
12220 Cost Sharing – Inst & Research Centers (R1 & R2 Only)
12400 Departmental Research – (R1 & R2 Only)
12500 Research – Core Labs (R1 & R2 Only)
12900 Research Information Technology (R1 & R2 Only)


This function code shall include all expenditures for activities that are established primarily to provide non-instructional services to individuals and groups external to the Institution. These activities include community service programs, excluding instructional activities, and cooperative extension services. Included in this category are conferences, institutes, general advisory services, reference bureaus, radio and television, consulting, and similar non-instructional services to particular sectors of the community.

The sub-function codes are as follows:

Code Description
13100 Community Services
This sub-function includes expenses for activities organized and carried out to provide general community services, excluding instructional activities.
13110 Community Services (Cost Sharing)
This sub-function is used to track and report cost sharing to various federal agencies and to identify those expenses when preparing the Facilities and Administrative rate proposal.
13114 Community Service Over Salary Cap
13120 Public Service - Community Services (Cost Sharing)
13200 Cooperative Extension Services
This sub-function includes expenses for non-instructional, public service activities established as the result of cooperative extension efforts between the institution and outside agencies.
13210 Cooperative Extension Services (Cost Sharing)
13300 Public Broadcasting Services
This sub-function includes expenses for operation and maintenance of broadcasting services operated outside the context of the institution’s instruction, research, and academic support programs.
13400 Externally Sponsored Public Activities (R1’s Only)
This sub-function includes expenses used for other sponsored activities.
13500 Service Center - Public Service & Outreach (R1’s Only)
This sub-function includes expenses for public service and outreach, excluding instructional activities.
13900 Public Service Information Technology (R1’s Only)


This function code shall include those funds expended primarily to provide support services for the institution’s primary missions: instruction, research, and public service. It includes:

  1. Retention, preservation, and display of educational materials, for example, libraries, museums, galleries
  2. Provision of services that directly assist the academic functions of the institution, such as demonstration schools associated with a department, school, or college of education
  3. Media, such as audio-visual services and technology, such as computing support
  4. Academic administration, including academic deans but not department chairpersons, and personnel development providing administration support and management direction to the three primary missions (instruction, research, public service)
  5. Separately budgeted support for course and curriculum development

For institutions that currently charge some of the expenses directly to the various operating units of the institution, such as computing support, this category does not reflect such expenses.

The sub-function codes are as follows:

Code Description
14100 Libraries
This sub-function includes expenses for organized activities that directly support the operation of a catalogued or otherwise classified collection.
14200 Museums and Galleries
This sub-function includes expenses for organized activities that provide for the collection, preservation, and exhibition of historical materials, art objects, scientific displays, etc.
14300 Educational Media Services
This sub-function includes expenses for organized activities providing audiovisual and other services that aid in the transmission of information in support of the institution’s instruction, research, and public service programs.
14400 Academic Computing Support
This sub-function includes expenses for formally organized and/or separately budgeted academic support information technology.
14500 Ancillary Support
This sub-function includes expenses for organized activities that provide support services to the three primary programs of instruction, research, and public service, but are not appropriately classified in the previous subcategories.
14600 Academic Administration
This sub-function includes expenses for activities specifically designed and carried out to provide administrative and management support to the academic programs.
14620 Research Administration – (R1’s Only)
14700 Academic Personnel Development
This sub-function includes expenses for activities that provide the faculty with opportunities for personal and professional growth and development to the extent that such activities are formally organized and/or separately budgeted.
14800 Course and Curriculum Development
This sub-function includes expenses for activities established either to significantly improve or to add to the institution’s instructional offerings, but only to the extent that such activities are formally organized and/or separately budgeted.


This function shall include funds expended for all those activities whose primary purpose is to contribute to the physical, social, and cultural welfare of students outside of the context of the formal instruction program. It includes expenditures for student activities, cultural events, student newspapers, intramural athletics, student organizations, intercollegiate athletics (if the program is not operated as an essentially self-supporting activity and is not reported as an auxiliary), counseling and career guidance (excluding informal academic counseling by the faculty), student aid administration, and student health service (if not operated as an essentially self-supporting activity and is not reported as an auxiliary). In recent years, some institutions have created an office of enrollment management. Expenditures for such an office are best categorized in Student Services.

The sub-function codes are as follows:

Code Description
15100 Student Services Administration
This sub-function includes expenses for organized administrative activities that provide assistance and support (excluding academic support) to the students.
15200 Social and Cultural Development
This sub-function includes expenses for organized activities that provide for students’ social and cultural development outside the formal academic program.
15300 Counseling and Career Guidance
This sub-function includes expenses for formally organized placement, career guidance, and personal counseling services for students.
15400 Financial Aid Administration
This sub-function includes expenses for activities that provide financial aid services and assistance to students.
15500 Student Admissions
This sub-function includes expenses for activities related to the identification of prospective students, the promotion of attendance at the institution, and the processing of applications for admission.
15600 Student Records/Registrar
This sub-function includes expenses for activities to maintain, handle and update records for students.
15700 Student Health Services (when not an Auxiliary Enterprises operation)
This sub-function includes expenses for organized student health services that are not self-supporting. Health services that are self-supporting are reported as auxiliary enterprises.
15799 Student Health Services (R&R)
15900 Student Activities Program
This sub-function includes expenses of the Student Activities Program.
15910 Intramural Athletics
This sub-function includes expenses for support of Intramural Sports.
15920 Social and Entertainment Activities
This sub-function includes expenses for support of Student Social and Entertainment Activities.
15930 Student Government
This sub-function includes expenses for support of Student Government Programs.
15940 Student Publications
This sub-function includes expenses for Student Publications.
15990 Other Student Services
This sub-function includes expenses that cannot be logically categorized in any other Student Services function.


This function shall include expenditures that provide activities whose primary purpose is general operational support of the institution. The Institutional Support category includes expenditures for:

  1. Central executive-level activities concerned with management and long-range planning for the entire institution, such as the governing board, planning and programming, and legal services
  2. Fiscal operations, including the investment office
  3. Administrative data processing
  4. Space management
  5. Employee personnel and records
  6. Logistical activities that provide procurement, storerooms, safety, security, printing, and transportation services to the institution
  7. Support services to faculty and staff that are not operated as auxiliary enterprises
  8. Audit services
  9. Activities concerned with community and alumni relations, including development and fund raising

The sub-function codes are as follows:

Code Description
16100 Executive Management
This sub-function includes expenses for all central, executive-level activities concerned with management and long-range planning for the entire institution.
16200 Fiscal Operations
This sub-function includes expenses for operations related to fiscal control and investments.
16300 General Administration and Logistical Services
This sub-function includes expenses for activities related to general administrative operations and services.
16400 Administrative Computing Support
This sub-function includes expenses for formally organized and/or separately budgeted administrative information technology.
16500 Public Relations
This sub-function includes expenses for activities to maintain relations with the community, alumni, or other constituents.
16600 Development
This sub-function includes expenses to conduct activities related to institution-wide development and fund raising.
16700 General Institutional
This sub-function includes expenses that cannot be logically categorized in any other Institutional Support function.


This function shall include all expenditures of funds for the operation, maintenance, and procurement of assets of physical plant, in all cases net of the amount charged to auxiliary enterprises, hospitals, and independent operations. It includes all expenditures for operations established to provide services and maintenance related to grounds and facilities including are utilities, fire protection, property insurance, and similar items.

The sub-function codes are as follows:

Code Description
17100 Physical Plant Administration
This sub-function includes expenses for administrative activities that directly support physical plant operations.
17200 Building Maintenance
This sub-function includes expenses for activities related to routine repair and maintenance of buildings.
17210 Federal Costing – (R1’s Only)
17300 Custodial Services
This sub-function includes expenses related to custodial services in buildings.
17400 Utilities
This sub-function includes expenses related to heating, cooling, light and power, gas, water, and any other utilities.
17500 Landscape and Grounds Maintenance
This sub-function includes expenses related to the operation and maintenance of landscape and grounds.
17600 Plant Funds
This sub-function shall include expenditures in the context of Plant Funds as indicated below:
17610 Land
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to purchase land, including incidental costs such as appraisal fees, title fees, legal fees, surveys, razing dilapidated structures, etc.
17620 Buildings
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to purchase buildings, or to provide major additions and renovations.
17630 Improvements – Non-Buildings
This sub-function shall include those funds expended for various land improvements and for other campus installations not properly classified as buildings. Examples would be landscaping, walkways, roadways, parking lots, markers, utility installations, etc.
17640 Library Collections
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to purchase books, periodicals, microfilm, micro cards, catalog cards, and other material making up the collection of resource material maintained in a library.
17650 Equipment
This sub-function shall include expenditures for items of material value and of long enough life to be classified as equipment. See the definition of equipment in Section 2.9.4 on page 130.
17660 Construction Work in Progress
This sub-function shall include expenditures for construction projects that will become a capitalizable asset(s) when completed.
17670 Expenditures - Non Capitalized
This sub-function shall include those expenditures that have been funded in the context of Plant Funds, but do not meet the definition of “capital expenditures.”
17680 Authority Lease Rentals
This sub-function shall include funds expended in payment of Authority Lease Rentals.
17800 Safety and Security
This sub-function shall include funds expended in payment of safety and security expenditures.


This function includes expenditures for scholarships, grants and fellowships, from restricted or unrestricted current funds, to students enrolled in credit and non-credit courses, resulting from selection by the institution or from an entitlement program. The category also includes trainee stipends, prizes, and awards. Trainee stipends awarded to individuals who are not enrolled in formal course work should be charged to instruction, research, or public service. This function shall be used except where another function more appropriately describes the cost, such as Athletic Scholarships that should be classified in Auxiliary Enterprises using function 28xxx Athletics.

Code Description
18100 Scholarships
This sub-function includes grants-in-aid, trainee stipends, tuition and fee waivers, and prizes to undergraduate students.
18200 Fellowships
This sub-function includes grants-in-aid and trainee stipends to graduate students. It does not include funds for which services to the institution must be rendered, such as payments for teaching.


Code Description
19100 Mandatory Transfers
This sub-function includes transfers that are mandated by an external entity, such as the Federal government.
19200 Non-Mandatory Transfers
This sub-function includes transfers that are not mandated by an external entity.

2.3.2 Function and Sub-Function Codes for the Auxiliary Enterprises Fund Group

(Last Modified on August 22, 2019)

An auxiliary enterprise exists to furnish goods or services to students, faculty, staff, other institutional departments, or incidentally to the general public, and charges a fee directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost of the goods or services. Auxiliary enterprises are managed as essentially self-supporting activities. These functional codes are provided for the proper classification within the Auxiliary Enterprises Fund Group. The sub-functions, and appropriate codes, are as follows:

Note: R & R denotes Reserve for Renewal and Replacement.



This function includes expenditures of funds for institution-owned housing.

Code Description
21100 Student Housing
This sub-function includes expenditures of funds for providing housing for students.
21150 P3 Project
This sub-function includes expenditures of funds related to the P3 Project.
21198 Student Housing-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used to classify capital outlay projects within the Student Housing function.
21199 Student Housing (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Student Housing function.
21200 Faculty and Staff Housing
This sub-function includes expenditures of funds for providing housing for Faculty and Staff.
21299 Faculty and Staff Housing (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Faculty and Staff Housing function.


This function shall include those funds expended to provide food service to students, faculty, and staff.

Code Description
22100 Cafeteria
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to provide cafeteria food service to students, faculty, and staff.
22198 Cafeteria-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used to classify capital outlay projects within the Cafeteria function.
22199 Cafeteria (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Cafeteria function.
22200 Snack Bars
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to provide snack bar food service to students, faculty, and staff.
22298 Snack Bars-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used to classify capital outlay projects within the Snack Bar function.
22299 Snack Bars (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Snack Bar function.


Code Description
23100 Stores and Shops
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to provide for the operation stores and shops such as bookstores, gift shops, uniform stores, etc.
23198 Stores and Shops-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used to classify capital outlay projects within the Stores and Shops function.
23199 Stores and Shops (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Stores and Shops function.

24xxx HEALTH SERVICES (When not a Student Services Operation)

Code Description
24100 Health Services
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to provide for the operation of clinics and other health services.
24198 Health Services-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used to classify capital outlay projects within the Health Services function.
24199 Health Services (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Health Services function.


This function shall include those funds expended to provide for the operation of campus transportation and parking.

Code Description
25100 Campus Transportation
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to provide for the operation campus transportation systems.
25198 Campus Transportation-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used to classify capital outlay projects within the Campus Transportation function.
25199 Campus Transportation (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Campus Transportation function.
25200 Campus Parking
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to provide for the operation of Campus Parking.
25298 Campus Parking-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Campus Parking function.
25299 Campus Parking (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Campus Parking function.


Code Description
26100 Campus Transportation
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to provide for the operations of campus transportation when utilizing fund 12260 for parking services.
26198 Campus Transportation-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used for capital outlay projects within the Campus Transportation function.
26199 Campus Transportation (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Campus Transportation function.


Code Description
27100 Other Service Units
This sub-function shall include those funds expended that cannot be logically categorized in any other defined function.
27198 Other Service Units-Capital Outlay
This sub-function is used to classify capital outlay projects within the Other Service Units function.
27199 Other Service Units (R & R)
This sub-function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Other Service Units function.


Code Description
28100 Intercollegiate Athletics
This sub-function shall include those funds expended to provide for the operation of an intercollegiate athletics program.
28198 Intercollegiate Athletics-Capital Outlay
This function is used to classify capital outlay projects within the Intercollegiate Athletics function.
28199 Intercollegiate Athletics (R & R)
This function is used to classify renovation and repair projects within the Intercollegiate Athletics function.


Code Description
29100 Mandatory Transfers
This sub-function is used in Auxiliary Enterprises to classify transfers mandated by an external entity, such as the Federal Government.
29200 Non-Mandatory Transfers
This sub-function is used in Auxiliary Enterprises to classify transfers not mandated by an external entity


This function shall include those funds expended for Patient Care in a hospital operated by the institution. It is not intended for use for student health services.

Code Description
32000 Patient Care (AU Only)
32100 Teaching Concurrent w/ Patient (AU Only)
32200 Clinical Administration (AU Only)
32300 Medical Administrative Service (AU Only)
32400 Fee for Service/Other Patient (AU Only)

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