Section 4.0: Student Affairs Table of Contents 4.1 General Policy on Student Affairs 4.1.1 Institutional Responsibility 4.1.2 Financial Needs Analysis 4.1.3 Student Voting Privileges 4.1.4 Fraternities and Sororities 4.1.5 Students with Disabilities 4.1.6 Admission of Persons Not Lawfully Present in the United States 4.2 Undergraduate Admissions 4.2.1 Admission Requirements for Programs Leading to an Associate or Baccalaureate Degree 4.2.2 Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programs Not Leading to the Baccalaureate Degree 4.2.3 Additional Admission 正版bbin平台下载 4.3 Student Residency 4.3.1 Out-of-State and Out-of-Country Enrollment 4.3.2 Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes 4.3.3 Tuition Differential Waivers 4.3.4 Verification of Lawful Presence 4.4 Regents’ Financial Assistance 4.4.1 Regents’ Opportunity Grants Program 4.5 Intercollegiate Athletics 4.5.1 Purpose 4.5.2 正版bbin平台下载 Oversight 4.5.3 Delegation of Authority 4.5.4 Authorization and Approvals 4.5.5 Criteria for Proposal of Athletics Expansion 4.5.6 Monitoring 4.5.7 Management of Athletic Affairs 4.5.8 Funding of Intercollegiate Athletic Programs 4.6 Discipline of Students 4.6.1 [Reserved] 4.6.2 Violations of State or Federal Law 4.6.3 Student Organization Responsibility for Drug Abuse 4.6.4 Alcohol and Drugs on Campus 4.6.5 Standards for Institutional Student Conduct Investigation and Disciplinary Proceedings 4.7 Student Appeals 4.8 Immunizations 4.8.1 Immunizations Against Disease During an Outbreak or Epidemic 4.8.2 Immunization Requirements for Students 4.9 University System Student Advisory Council ↑ Top