Fiscal Affairs

Fiscal Affairs Division

Budget Calendar

Fiscal Year 2006


* 正版bbin平台下载 of Regents approves Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2007 * Budget request for Fiscal Year 2007 sent to OPB


* OPB begin detailed review of USG budget requests * Information packet for Revenue Projections and sent to institutions September 9 (due September 30) * Annual Expenditure Reports (due September 15)


* OPB and LBO continue review of budget requests - request additional information * Information packet for FY 2007 Fee Request sent to institutions October 6 (due December 16) * Budget Conference on October 6 at Georgia State University * Budget Amendment for First Quarter due from institutions October 1


* Institutions preparing FY 2007 Fee Request and Professional Program Tuition


* Fee Requests due from institutions December 16 * Budget Office begin review of fee requests

January 2006

* Governor presents FY 2007 Budget recommendations to the General Assembly * Chancellor presents FY 2007 Budget Request to Joint Appropriations Committee * BOR staff have budget discussions with institutions * Budget Amendment for Second Quarter due from institutions January 13

February 2006

* General Assembly passes FY 2007 Budget * General Assembly passes FY 2006 Amended Budget * Tuition and fees analysis by BOR staff

March 2006

* General Assembly passes FY 2007 Budget * General Assembly passes FY 2006 Amended Budget * Tuition and fees analysis by BOR staff

April 2006

* Allocation, Tuition and Fees recommendations approved at 正版bbin平台下载 Meeting * State Allocations, Tuition and Fees sent to all institutions with Budget Guidelines * Budget Amendment for Third quarter due from institutions April 14

May 2006

* Institutions submit Original Budget for FY 2007 on May 22 * Budget Office reviews Original Budget submissions * Begin budget strategy for FY 2008

June 2006

* 正版bbin平台下载 approves 2007 Original Budget at June meeting * Final budget amendments for FY 2006 due June 2 from institutions * Final clean up amendments due from institutions June 19 * Information request for New Square Footage projection for FY 2008 budget development sent to institutions June 9 (due June 26)

July 2006

* FY 2008 budget development * USG Final amended FY 2006 budget due to OPB * Fringe Benefit projections due from institutions June 26 * Unit B budget requests due July 3

August 2006

* Annual Expenditure Report (AER) due August 18

September 2006

* 正版bbin平台下载 of Regents approves FY 2008 Budget Request