USG Records Retention Schedules
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CATEGORY: Medical Services Total: 12
Communicable Disease Records
Number: 0472-08-001
Description: This series may include but is not limited to: laboratory test results; name and address of student; date; and person making referral.
Retention: 3 years.
Immunization Reporting Records
Number: 0472-08-002
Description: This series is used to comply with State Health Division reporting requirements for immunizations given to patients. Records include immunization log sheets and annual reports.
Retention: 3 years.
Laboratory Inspection Records
Number: 0472-08-003
Description: This series documents in-house inspection of laboratory equipment on a quarterly basis.
Retention: Calibrations: Life of the equipment; All other records: 3 years.
Laboratory Test Requests
Number: 0472-08-004
Description: This series documents physician orders for laboratory tests for students receiving services at the student health center.
Retention: 5 years.
Medical, Counseling, Psychological, and Psychiatric Case Records
Number: 0472-08-005
Description: This series documents the medical, counseling, psychological, or psychiatric services provided to students and non-students who receive treatment and other medical services, such as vaccines, from the student health center or other health providers. This series may include but is not limited to: appointment request slips; summary sheets; test results; treatment record forms; diagnosis sheets; X-rays; health history/screening sheets; initial evaluation/assessment sheets; referral sheets; health center billing statements; personal health history sheets; notation of services provided and dates; dental examination sheets and X-rays; laboratory test results; physical therapy notes; X-ray release forms; and X-ray requisitions with narrative of radiologist.
Retention: 10 years or until client reaches age 28, whichever is longer.
Patient Logs
Number: 0472-08-006
Description: This series is used to log in patients who visit the student health center. It may also be used to create annual census reports and 3-year census comparisons.
Retention: 3 years.
Pharmacy Prescription Dispensation Records
Number: 0472-08-007
Description: This series is used to provide an individual, daily summary, and annual summary record of initial drug dispensation and refills administered by the department as required by the State Pharmacy 正版bbin平台下载.
Retention: Prescription records: 3 years; Drug dosage records: 5 years.
Practitioner Schedules
Number: 0472-08-008
Description: This series documents the practitioners' work schedules.
Retention: 3 years.
Radiographic Quality Assurance Records
Number: 0472-08-009
Description: This series documents the setting of measurable standards and procedures for radiographic safety and professional quality by professionals on staff. This series may include but is not limited to: reports by the radiographic staff; quality assurance committee notes; and staff reviews.
Retention: 3 years.
Student Health Center Staff Licensure Records
Number: 0472-08-010
Description: This series documents the professional and regulatory issuance of credentials to individuals and facilities providing services within the student health center.
Retention: Until superseded.
Student Health Insurance Records
Number: 0472-08-011
Description: This series documents students' insurance coverage activity under institution insurance policies. This series may include but is not limited to: benefit explanations; payment summaries; photocopies of checks; invoices; policy change sheets; and ledgers.
Retention: 7 years after expiration of policy and settlement of all claims.
Surgical Instrument Sterilization Records
Number: 0472-08-012
Description: This series documents the sterilization of surgical instruments used by the student health center staff.
Retention: 3 years.
University System of Georgia, 270 Washington St., Atlanta, GA 30334