Records Management and Archives

University System of Georgia records retention policies and procedures

USG Records Retention Schedules

CATEGORY: Administration

Total: 35   Sorted by title. Showing 25 per page.

Meeting Records

Number:  0472-02-026

Description:  This series documents the meetings of the faculty and/or staff of a department or office that sets policy and procedures for the unit. Specialized and task oriented sub-committees composed of unit personnel are also documented as part of this record series. These meetings may concern routine matters of procedure and topics such as program development, planning, administrative and personnel management, and assessments of future needs.

Retention:  Minutes, agendas, and reports: PERMANENT; All other record: 5 years.

News Release Records

Number:  0472-02-027

Description:  This series documents newsworthy events of the institution. This series may include but is not limited to news releases issued by institution news and communications units arranged by topic and/or date of issue and brief descriptions of scholarship awards offered by institution.

Retention:  Releases pertaining to significant events and policy matters: PERMANENT; Routine releases: 10 years.

Official Calendar of Events

Number:  0472-02-028

Description:  This series documents when and where institution events take place.

Retention:  PERMANENT.

正版bbin平台下载 and Procedures

Number:  0472-02-029

Description:  This series includes the approved policies and procedures of the institution.

Retention:  PERMANENT.

Professional Membership Records

Number:  0472-02-030

Description:  This series documents institutional-paid memberships and activities in professional organizations. These records may include but are not limited to: applications for membership; certifications of membership; and documentation of activities.

Retention:  5 years.

Radio and Television License Records

Number:  0472-02-031

Description:  This series provides a record of licensing of university campus radio stations and television channels (including distance education) with the Federal Communications Commission. Records may include: FCC applications, licenses, and contracts.

Retention:  10 years after expiration of license.

Records of the Individual Regents

Number:  0472-02-032

Description:  This series documents the activities of the individual regents.

Retention:  PERMANENT.

Signature Authorizations

Number:  0472-02-033

Description:  This series documents the certification of the institution's employees who are authorized to sign fiscal and contractual documents. These documents serve as an aid for management control over expenditures. This series may include but is not limited to: authorization date; name; sample signature; position data; remarks; and conditions.

Retention:  7 years after authorization expires.

Student Organization Records

Number:  0472-02-034

Description:  This series documents the history, development, and policies of student organizations. Records may include but are not limited to: annual review forms; minutes; constitutions and bylaws; committee, subcommittee, and task-force records; student government bill and resolution files; budgets; handbooks; officer and member rosters; scrapbooks; newspaper clippings; published and unpublished historical sketches; publications; organizational charts; and photographs.

Retention:  Charters; minutes; by-laws; student government bill and resolution files; budgets; handbooks; rosters; scrapbooks; photographs; publications; historical sketches; organizational charts; and other historic records: PERMANENT; All other records: 10 years.

Vehicle Use Authorization and Request Records

Number:  0472-02-035

Description:  This series documents permission for employees to use their private automobiles for official use and authorization of non-employees and students to use state-owned cars. Records may include but are not limited to: private vehicle safety certification forms; private vehicle certificate lists; and driver authorizations for students and non-employees.

Retention:  5 years after superseded or obsolete.

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