Unified ERP Project

University System of Georgia

Project Goals

We anticipate the following capabilities with the implementation of a Unified ERP. Specific requirements are being refined with the input of subject-matter-expert stakeholders from all 26 institutions.

User-Centric Design

A new solution will provide a high-quality user experience for students, faculty, and staff. Enhancements include mobile functionality, integrated document management, a user-friendly, intuitive and visually appealing design, and real-time updates.

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The implementation of a Unified ERP will allow the University System to adopt best practice solutions that will improve efficiency of administrative operations.

Real-Time, Consistent Data for Decision-Making

USG stakeholders will benefit from having more accurate, thorough, reliable, and timely information for decision making. Having all institutions on a single application will also allow for uniform implementation of policy, laws, and protocols for all institutions.

Modern Enterprise Architecture

The platform for the new application will be 100% Software as a Service (SaaS) with a proven underlying architecture. Rather than hosting databases in a separate data center, the University System seeks a modern platform that non-technical support analysts can maintain. It will consist of a highly scalable suite of applications meeting the diverse needs of the 26 institutions that comprise the University System of Georgia.

Enhanced Analytics and Reporting

The ERP application will provide operational reporting, analytics, and dashboards to all levels of users across the University System. Reporting capability will support more efficient compliance, data-based decisions, intelligent automation, and predictive analytics.

Workflow Automation

The new solution will provide a robust workflow automation tool that is easily administered and will efficiently move data between departments at an institution or between an institution and the System Office.

Customizations Replaced with Configurations

The new ERP will be highly configurable and minimize the need for customizations. The platform will accommodate institution or department complex business requirements without the need to program or customize the application.

Electronic Records

A modern ERP application and business process automation tools will eliminate the unnecessary and manual processing of physical paper.

Additional Benefits

  • Increased user satisfaction for students, faculty, staff, affiliates, vendors, sponsors, and applicants
  • Consolidated reporting of institution activities to stakeholder communities, including System Office, Legislature, and accreditation entities
  • Increased integration of critical systems, resulting in more timely/real-time data updates
  • Increased data quality
  • Reduction in non-value-added activities such as duplicate data entry and paper-based tasks
  • Single point of online access/entry
  • Enhanced and simplified navigation, usability, features, and functionality
  • Tools to enhance the tracking of career paths
  • Streamlined processes and increased staff efficiency
  • Greater visibility into vendor spends
  • The potential for increased shared/centralized services