8.4 Institutional Budget Request
(Last Modified on December 22, 2010)
The institutional budget request provides information to the 正版bbin平台下载 of Regents regarding key priorities and issues at the campus level. This aids Fiscal Affairs in developing its recommendations to the Chancellor for allocating formula funds.
8.4.1 Institutional Budget Plans
(Last Modified on October 22, 2010)
In January each year, all institutions submit a budget plan and request with three distinct sections:
- Budget plan for base budget, addressing opportunities and challenges faced by institution, enrollment changes and trends, budget priorities and issues
- Plan to use any projected formula funds earned by the institution
- Prioritized new funding request from the strategic allocation pool
8.4.2 Institutional Budget Conferences
(Last Modified on October 22, 2010)
Between January and March of each year, the Vice Chancellor for Fiscal Affairs, along with senior staff, meet with institutional representatives to discuss:
- Budget plan
- Enrollment trends
- New funding requests
- Fee requests
- Other issues and priorities
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